Thursday, January 29, 2009

Remember when you first started researching your family and had no idea where or how to begin?

Peggy Thompson, a relatively new MHGS member but an experienced family history researcher, suggested that MHGS look at putting together a mentoring program. This would be a one-on-one pairing of an experienced family history researcher with someone new to the hobby.

Mentor and protégé would communicate on their own schedule, and by whatever means is most convenient for them, whether it is by email, telephone, snail mail, or face to face meetings. The Mentor does not have to live in same location as the protégé; and if both happen to live in or near Wichita, meetings do not have to be at MHGS library. Mentoring would be a way of helping someone new to the hobby, and “paying it forward”.

But Mentoring is *NOT* intended to be a lookup service! It is intended to answer questions about where and how to look for information, tips and techniques, etc.

If you are interested in mentoring someone, or if you would like to be paired with a mentor, please send an email to


  1. Good news, we've already had a member volunteer to be a Mentor! This lady has 40 years of family history research experience, and would be a long-distance Mentor.

  2. I got a wind in my sail when I discovered an unknown third cousin who got me started by sharing his GEDCOM on our Hitchcock line with me. The classes taught by Donna Woods was a big help of course. I'm glad I got to attend them when I did.

  3. Fantastic Ann on the member stepping up and volunteering. Those who have already done their lines, know the ins and outs have so much knowledge (whether they know it or not), to offer say someone just starting out and doesn't have a clue what to do and what records to look and even why!

    Thank you for taking on this blog as well! You're doing an awesome job!

  4. We have out first mentor-protege match! Karen Clark, a new member, asked for a mentor, and Peggy has agreed to be her mentor! I still have two mentors available, one local and one long-distance, if anyone is interested in one-on-one guidance and direction in genealogy.
