Sunday, February 15, 2009

It’s not about the money!

My apologies for being so slow in posting information to the blog; it’s been a busy month so far!

When I was at the library yesterday afternoon, I heard that some members of MHGS think the reason we are considering selling the MHGS real estate and library building is because MHGS is seriously in debt. Actually, MHGS is debt-free. Since Apex has again expressed an interest in purchasing the MHGS real estate, and due to the decline in volunteerism, the board felt we needed to present these choices to the membership.

My contact at Apex indicated on February 10 that they are still interested in the MHGS real estate, but I have heard nothing since.

1 comment:

  1. It's about VOLUNTEERING! There is not enough members helping out to do MHGS' day-to-day business, let alone make needed improvements
